Joanna Pam is an International Business and Management Graduate from the UK with a strong work ethic, good communication skills, and an attentive spirit drawn especially to specific details. She is confident, disciplined, determined, a fast learner, and generally easily motivated by a challenge. She is amiable, a good observer and listener, as shown through various leadership positions she has held, where she demonstrated her ability to work very well in a team and also on her own as an individual.
As The Coaching Consultant, Joanna Pam, is the CEO and Founder of JO PAM CONSULTING LIMITED. The services rendered include:
- Real Estate Consulting with HSNG, BRG, OIG, and B&R
- Insurance Advising with CLA
- Investment Consulting with OIG
- Investment Mentoring with CFX
Joanna Pam is a two times Certified Peer, and Professional Mentor, and Accredited Master Coach with the International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring (AMC, IAPCM UK). She is also a Real Estate Consultant, Insurance Advisor, and Investment Executive, partnering with reputable global companies to offer affordable investment opportunities with high return on investment within a period of time.
As a Global Social Entrepreneur, Joanna Pam is the CEO and Founder of JO PAM CONSULTING LTD; an online initiative service that offers investment opportunities available to individuals and businesses through the reputable companies she works with, as well as coaching and mentoring them to achieve their goals.
Thus far, Joanna Pam's yearn to learn, quest for curiosity, experiences from travels, and social capital through networking has shaped her into the Global Coaching Consultant she is today.
As an unpublished Author, Joanna Pam is in the process of creating her books on Coaching and Consulting, which the handbook explains the practicality of the industry in layterms, whilst using examples and exercises in the workbook. She is available for consulting coaching sessions, trainings, workshops, and conferences.
Further Connect with Joanna Pam via Social Media:
LinkedIn: Joanna Pam
Instagram: @jopam_consulting and @jopam_properties
Facebook: Jo Pam Consulting LTD
Number: (+234) 8142628580